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July 20, 2015 10 THINGS I KNOW ABOUT ...

Blogging to boost your brand

Amy Chase owns Crompton Collective, in Worcester. (@ShopCrompton)

10. Be yourself.

There's a reason your brand is awesome, so stick to what makes you unique and try not to do what everyone else is doing.

9. Add value.

Share your knowledge, be the expert. One of the most important things to ask yourself while you're writing a post is: "Will anyone learn from this?"

8. Be consistent.

It's easy to post whenever inspiration strikes, but having a set schedule can help you manage your content and your presence. Decide how often you want to post. Weekly? Monthly?

7. Think SEO.

Be selective when choosing your blog title, content and tags. Pick a title that's descriptive, intriguing and not too long. Try to think of what people would be searching that would lead to your page.

6. Create shareable content.

You can't always have a professional take your photos, but even if you're just using your phone, you can make your pictures amazing. One app I love: Pixelmator, which goes beyond the basics of normal photo editing apps.

5. Be social.

If people respond to your content, be sure to respond back. As soon as you interact with someone, they'll be more likely to form a connection.

4. Be supportive.

It's important to support the people in your industry. Share and promote people who are doing things you admire. Learn from what they're doing or help them when they need it.

3. Share to your social network.

People who follow your social media platforms will likely be interested in your posts. Make sure you share them on all your platforms.

2. Collect emails.

When someone subscribes to your blog or email list, it's guaranteed they're looking forward to hearing from you.

1. Contribute guest posts.

Guest blogging can help you gain exposure from similar brands and companies. It can increase reach and build your community. Find brands with similar products or missions.

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