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April 26, 2020

Another 17 coronavirus deaths, 233 cases reported in Worcester County on Saturday

Photo | Grant Welker UMass Memorial HealthAlliance-Clinton Hospital

Worcester County had 17 new coronavirus-related deaths Saturday and 233 new cases, according to Massachusetts Department of Public Health data. 

After Friday's huge increase in cases, new cases Saturday rose 6% in one day, bringing Worcester County’s tally to 4,460. Total cases statewide rose by 2,379, or 5%, bringing confirmed cases to 53,348. 

The 17 new deaths added to Worcester County's total of 183. Statewide, there were 174 more deaths adding to Massachusetts 2,730 overall death toll.

The Department of Public Health also reports 11,632 new coronavirus tests conducted with a total of 226,845.

The City of Worcester reported a total of 1,697 cases, up 79, or 5%, in one day. 

Saint Vincent Hospital, and UMass Memorial Health Care in Worcester report 253 coronavirus patients with 110 in the ICU. Both hospitals report having 78 total coronavirus deaths to date, and 154 employees testing positive. The DCU Center field hospital in Worcester has 82 coronavirus patients.

Nationally, there are now 929,730 confirmed cases and more than 53,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. Throughout the world, there are now more than 200,000 deaths and almost 2.9 million confirmed cases. 

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