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March 30, 2012

A Win For Wind At MWCC

A year after Mount Wachusett Community College installed two wind turbines at its Gardner campus, the school says it's now harvesting all of its electricity from the wind generated by the devices.

The 1.65-megawatt Vestas V82 turbines generated more than 5 million kilowatt hours of electricity since they were activated March 25 of last year.

The college has had a strong focus on alternative energy since 2002, when it converted its campus from electric heat to a biomass-powered system. It also has an energy-efficient white roof on its main campus building and a 100-kilowatt solar photovoltaic system.

The $9 million wind power project received $3.2 million in funding from U.S. Department of Energy grants, $2.1 million from a low-interest Clean Renewable Energy Bond and $3.7 million from Massachusetts Clean Energy Investment Bonds.

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