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Updated: August 19, 2024 / 40 Under Forty, 25th anniversary

40 Under Forty alumni: Ron Ernenwein, Class of 2006 - he 4X his transportation company

A side-by-side collage of photos of the same man, taken 18 years apart. Ron Ernenwein in 2006 and 2024
Four women and a man holding art supplies surround a painting with the 40 Under Forty logo on it. Photo | Matt Wright The 40 Under Forty winners and alumni who visited the Jennessa Art studio in West Boylston were (from left) Hayley Haywood (Class of 2024), Jennessa Burks (Class of 2024), Emily Molstad (Class of 2024), Robyn Kennedy (Class of 2020), and Ron Ernenwein (Class of 2006).
Ron Ernenwein
  • Class of 2006
  • Then President & CEO of AA Transportation in Shrewsbury
  • Now President & CEO of AA Transportation in Shrewsbury
Check out the entire Class of 2024 and catch up with alumni from the 25th anniversary here
More Information

Ron Ernenwein has grown his transportation business from transporting 10,750 children home to school each day in 2006, to 43,000 today, creating the largest independent school bus contractor in Massachusetts.

Today, his business employs 650 people, a tremendous increase from 225 employees in 2006. Since he won WBJ’s 40 Under Forty award in 2006, he considers his biggest professional accomplishment providing uninterrupted service to customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, a noteworthy achievement as many neighboring communities faced service interruptions and were directly impacted by the national labor shortage. In his free time, he enjoys mentoring young, aspiring entrepreneurs, as he once was one himself when he launched AA Transportation in 1996. Since he began his company, Ernenwein has always given back to the community through charitable contributions and in 2006 was providing buses at discount rates for community services and limos for the Make-A-Wish program. Today, he supports two nonprofits, Project New Hope, a Worcester-based organization dedicated to supporting veterans and their families, and The Kindness Coalition, a Shrewsbury-based coalition striving to improve the wellbeing of unprivileged members of the community. 

What did getting the 40u40 award mean to you at the time? As a community college graduate, receiving this recognition was a personal validation of my ability to succeed.

What does it mean to you now? Although I didn’t understand at the time, older people like to see younger entrepreneurs succeed. Today, I can relate as I enjoy helping, mentoring, and watching young, hard-working individuals become successful. The award inspires me to continue to succeed in my business and support our communities.

What advice do you have for this year's 40u40 winners? Make a plan you have faith in and follow it. Don’t hesitate to take calibrated risks. Thank those who support you.

How has Central Massachusetts changed since you won the 40u40 award? Economic growth has provided great opportunities for business. However, increased regulations have made it more difficult to maneuver through business opportunities.

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