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Updated: August 19, 2024 / 40 Under Forty, 25th anniversary

40 Under Forty 2024: Dan Joslyn, takes his family business to new heights

A man wears a dark blue suit jacket, light blue button down, and light brown pants with his hands in his pockets. Photo I Erika Sidor Dan Joslyn
Two women and five men sit and stand in a brewery with a 1990s-themed mural in the background Photo | Matt Wright The seven 40 Under Forty winners who visited the Odd by Worcester Brewing bar were (from left) Julia McGuinn (Class of 2024), Dan Joslyn (Class of 2024), Erjon Metohu (Class of 2024), Jessica Casey (Class of 2024), Jim Cozza (Class of 2024), Seth Pitts (Class of 2021), and Robert Rios (Class of 2024).
Two women and five men holding beers point at a sign above them saying "Don't forget to pay your meter!" Photo | Matt Wright The seven 40 Under Forty winners who visited the Odd by Worcester Brewing bar were (from left) Seth Pitts (Class of 2021), Robert Rios (Class of 2024), Julia McGuinn (Class of 2024), Dan Joslyn (Class of 2024), Jim Cozza (Class of 2024), Jessica Casey (Class of 2024), and Erjon Metohu (Class of 2024).
Dan Joslyn, 36
  • Title Co-owner and treasurer
  • Company Ace Temperature Control, in Worcester
  • Residence Auburn
  • Birthplace Worcester
  • College Worcester State University
Check out the entire Class of 2024 and catch up with alumni from the 25th anniversary here
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Before taking over Ace, a business founded by his grandfather in 1963, Dan Joslyn sought to put his criminal justice degree to good use by signing up for the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office academy.

Graduating from the academy in 2012 with high marks, he joined the county sheriff’s department. While he played an important role in many of the department’s endeavors, including the launch of its Graffiti Removal Unit and the establishment of a team tasked with tracking down contraband within the department’s prison, Joslyn kept his ties to the family business, learning more about its operations on his off days. The more he learned, the more interested he became in taking over Ace from his father, leading Joslyn and two other employees to purchase the business. Since hanging up his sheriff’s hat in 2022, Joslyn has helped Ace streamline operations by utilizing technology, helping preserve the family legacy by guiding the company toward the future. At home, the Joslyn family provides an emergency placement home for children in the Mass. Department of Children & Families system. His and his wife’s experience in fostering children even before the birth of their son led them to adopt a daughter in June.

What superpower would you most like to have? The ability to see the future. That kind of foresight would be invaluable in business.

What is the hidden gem of Central Massachusetts? Maybe not so hidden, but a definite gem: The Hanover Theatre & Conservatory for the Performing Arts.

Who’s career would you most like to emulate? Perhaps it’s cliché, but I have to go with my father or my grandfather on this one.

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