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Updated: August 16, 2021 / 40 Under Forty, Class of 2021

40 Under Forty 2021: Ross Bradshaw

Photo | Erika Sidor Ross Bradshaw
Photo | Erika Sidor 40 Under Forty, Class of 2021 members (from left) Seth A. Pitts, CFE, Mary E. Roy, Brittany Gesner and Ross Bradshaw at the New Dia cannabis dispensary in Worcester (Special thanks to Ross Bradshaw)
Ross Bradshaw, 34
  • Title Founder & CEO
  • Company New Dia, in Worcester
  • Residence Worcester
  • Birthplace Worcester
  • College Providence College
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Ross Bradshaw has become well-known for opening the first state-licensed economic empowerment cannabis dispensary in Central Mass, New Dia.

But Bradshaw is far from just a savvy entrepreneur taking advantage of an exploding nascent $1-billion market – although, he is that, too. A longtime cannabis and cannabis equity activist with a storied career as a certified public accountant and financial analyst at some of Massachusetts’ most well-known companies, from Genzyme to Bose, Bradshaw brings to New Dia both business know-how and a deep passion for giving back to the community. Bradshaw bootstrapped the now 13-employee New Dia into being after a multi-year renovation, licensing and financing process and, notably, went on to donate the store’s first $5,000 in sales to the South Worcester Neighborhood Improvement Corp. Before opening up shop, New Dia was leading resume workshops for community members looking for employment. While the state’s adult-use cannabis program has largely failed at its mission of prioritizing business entry for people from communities disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs, Bradshaw has made that mission his top priority. And, as he eyes an expansion to the Fenway neighborhood of Boston, it’s become clear both his heart and instincts are leading him to success.

What Olympic sport would you be the best at? Luge

What did you learn from the coronavirus pandemic? I have everything I need.

Why do you live in Central Mass.? Family, friends, and opportunity

When a statue eventually gets built of you, what will the plaque say? A for effort

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