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August 30, 2010

2010 40 Under Forty: John Person

Operations Manager, Veterans Inc.

Company location: Worcester

Residence: Westminster

Age: 31

Career highlights: Whenever I have been asked what I really want to do in life, I always say that I simply want to be able to help people. Fortunately, I have found myself in a perfect position overseeing the day-to-day operations at Veterans Inc. I am extremely lucky to work with a very dedicated and caring staff, and that motivates me daily. Veterans Inc. has grown tremendously since I came on board five years ago and I’m extremely excited for the future.

Community involvement: I am a member of the Earned Income Credit Coalition, which educates and helps low-income workers with their income tax returns. I am also the president of the Knights and Ladies of Kaleva, a Finnish heritage organization in Lancaster, and I have served on Westminster’s energy advisory committee. My next project is to begin working on a “green team” at work that will focus on recycling, conserving energy and reducing waste.

Biggest success: Working with such a great team at Veterans Inc. has been incredible. We have been able to put on major events such as our Homeless Veterans Stand Down, our annual charity golf tournament, and the Military Gala Ball (coming up in November). It is with strong leadership, guidance and execution that each event has been a success and I’m proud to be a part of our ongoing efforts.

Biggest challenge: Learning to slow down a little bit. It sounds funny, but I get excited going to work everyday to take on projects and come up with new ideas that will benefit our staff, clients and the organization as a whole. I want things done yesterday, so I’ve learned to spend more time thinking and planning before diving right in and getting as much input as possible from staff and clients.

Hidden talents: Everyone overlooks breakfast when it comes to being described as a good cook. Although I can’t even make a decent meatloaf or casserole, I can put together some mean omelets and other morning-time treats. Come to our Kaleva Lodge Finnish Breakfast and you’ll see!

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