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April 13, 2009


In case you didn’t know, Twitter is the new Facebook, but if you feel like a Twit because you don’t tweet, you’re not alone.

Twitter is a social networking site known as a microblog that allows its users to post brief (140 characters or less) messages to let people know what they’re doing, thinking or planning. Some people have had success in using Twitter as a marketing tool. Below are some tips if you are feeling brave and want to start tweeting.

It’s not what but who you know. Before you try your hand at a tweet, first determine who you want to reach and then find them.

“Search for and follow others in your field in order to build rapport over time,” says Matt Sarrel, contributing editor for PCMag. “Many of them will follow you in turn, and so it builds.”

Get the word out. It’s one thing to get your name out there, but don’t stop there. Twitter can generate more than conversation, it can generate more business.

“Send out short one-liners that tease fellow Twits to follow a link to a blog post, article download, or any custom landing page,” says Sarrel. “Toss in a few keywords and you’ll drive traffic to your site.”

Good form goes a long way. Like any type of professional communication, there are both right and wrong ways to tweet.

“Good forms of communication can include offering advice, starting conversations, offering the odd snippet of information about your organization where appropriate, and retweeting good and valuable information you have seen,” says Heidi Foster at

Bad twittering form includes barraging people with information about your company and refusing to reply to tweets from others. And, as Foster says, you must be careful not only about what you post, but how you post it.

“A twitterer that continually sends out links and nothing else will soon only be talking to themselves,” she says.

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