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May 11, 2012


A major part of a successful business is its people. And establishing a strong team of competent professionals begins with a successful hiring process. Here are three ways the experts say you can staff your company with the best and brightest people who know how to make your firm shine:

Check out the competition. Don’t steal staffers, but explore information gleaned from the job ads your competitor places, says career coach Martin Yate in an article by Dana Dratch at “Little companies have to do everything the big ones do only with less staff and budget,” he writes. “What skills are they seeking? And what are they offering in return?” Yate recommends searching, which aggregates job sites in one place.

Recruiting should be constant. Keeping an eye out for potential standout employees should not begin when you have a position to fill, an article at points out. “Always keep your feelers out, and make a target list of the 12 most valuable superstars you would like to recruit and continuously work those relationships,” the article states. It’s also wise to regularly attend networking events, and ask customers, business associates, competitors, and staff members for referrals,” the article says.

Be creative. Calling resumes “mostly garbage,” Joe Reynolds, founder of Chicago-based Red Frog Events, said passionate people are what are needed in companies, and passion usually lies in their cover letters. A resume can’t communicate that, he says. “It kills me that businesses still ask standard interview questions. ‘What's your biggest weakness?’ surely won't get you an answer of value when the answer has already been rehearsed,” he noted in an article at n

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