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September 16, 2013

101: Leadership & Social Media

Social media's a marketing tool, right? Well — yes. But it can be more. And it can be a mistake to let social media be used only to spread the word about your company's products and leave it at that. When executives start thinking outside the box and consider the more practical uses for Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook, great things can happen. Here are three ways social media can be leveraged for management:

Use it as an information tool to stay relevant. Think about it: By following key people, companies or updates, you're perfectly primed with the latest data and innovations as they happen, simply by scrolling through your newsfeed. “Real time news and information race streams through,” says Christina Lattimer in an article at “(It) raises awareness and can help develop expertise.”

Get urgent communications via Twitter Direct Message. Yes, Twitter. Why? Our inboxes are full of CCs, starred messages and lost high-priority emails. Reading and replying will be a lot faster when your correspondence is limited to 140 characters. And you can leave the job of clearing your email inbox to the beginning or end of the day. This Twitter channel should be open only to trusted colleagues who won't abuse it. “Set your smartphone so that Twitter Direct Messages (but not other kinds of tweets) show up in real time, just like a text message,” said Alexandra Samuel in a Wall Street Journal online article.

Use it to be authentic. An entry at by Karin Hurt urges higher-level managers to be brave in leadership and social media posts. “Show up a little messy. Real attracts more than conformance. Attract followers by showing up real.”

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101: Re-Energizing Employees

101: Starting As CEO

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