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Updated: 3 hours ago Advice

101: How to leverage social media for business growth

Whether a company’s intended goal is to increase sales or widen audience engagement, social media can help. Social media can assist in building rapport with a company’s audience and improve brand visibility. By collaborating with other brands through social media, businesses can grow and meet others at the same time. Social media apps are free, accessible, global platforms; all companies should discover how they can best benefit from them.

Find the right tool. Every social media has a different purpose. Platforms like LinkedIn can share webinars and job openings, while Instagram and Facebook could be places to sell or promote products. TikTok’s focus on virality helps business owners find new and wider audiences, while Instagram tends to yield sales, Alexandra York writes in a Business Insider article. If a company is attempting to create content easily found days later, YouTube could be a good option. Companies should decide what they want to use social media for and utilize the best platforms for those goals.

Know your audience. Different social media platforms attract different audiences. It is important to know the type of audience you want to attract. Younger generations tend to utilize TikTok and Instagram more than older generations, according to a Pew Research Center 2023 survey. Older generations primarily use Facebook and YouTube, compared to other platforms. Depending on what product or service a company is trying to sell, this can determine where to go to have the best desired outcome.

Utilize networking opportunities. With a click of a button, social media has become an effective way to connect with people all over the world. “Through channels of networking, you could appear on a company’s blog or create a cross-promotional giveaway or contest through branded partnerships,” Tiffany Gaines writes in a Forbes article. Platforms such as Facebook groups or online webinars create an opportunity for people to share ideas and collaborate on business initiatives.

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