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November 11, 2013

101: Assessing Yourself

In management and leadership, so much time is spent evaluating and analyzing others. But in reality — though it's difficult — assessing yourself as a manager can be valuable time spent toward professional self-improvement. There are many confidential online tools to help managers take a good, hard look at their leadership skills, and executive coaches are also hugely helpful. Here are some other ways to review your toughest employee yet: yourself.

How do you rate as a storyteller? It's important to find out how your story is translated. That's how synergy begins in a successful company, Tatiana Serafin says at She quotes Katherine Ebner, an executive leadership coach, who recommends looking ahead. “When you can answer where you want to be in three years in detail, you can identify what it will take to get there … from staffing to technology choices to office locations,” Ebner is quoted as saying. Then, check in with employees and analyze your company culture to be sure your message is getting through.

Mind the gap. We all have them: gaps in capabilities. “For each gap, describe what steps you could commit to taking to enlarge those capacities,” advises an article by Douglas LaBier at He says self-knowledge is central to a CEO's ability to lead and “builds clarity about objectives; it fine-tunes one's understanding the perspectives, values, aims and personality traits of others.”

Understand that it's a balancing act. Too much of a good thing isn't always good, says Anthony Tjan in a Harvard Business Review blog. “It is self-awareness that allows the best business-builders to walk the tightrope of leadership: projecting conviction while simultaneously remaining humble enough to be open to new ideas,” he says. In other words, the confidence CEOs need to lead can also hinder them if they cannot also have humility, he says.

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101: Re-Energizing Employees

101: Strategic Planning

101: Starting As CEO

101: Leading A Team

101: Making Decisions

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