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March 2, 2009

10 Things I Know About...Staying Positive

Margo Chevers is a motivational speaker, trainer and accountability coach, as well as the president of the Northeast Leadership Enterprise in Wales. She can be reached at

10. Beyond Goals

When you have a meaningful goal you are working towards you need to develop a plan on how you will attain that goal. Without a plan, you will flounder around wondering what to do.

9. Messaging

Put powerful motivational sayings in full view where you will see them often.

8. Daily Progress

Keep moving forward. Inertia sets in when we get discouraged and stop moving toward our goal. Review the progress that you’ve made each week and month.

7. Visual Success

What we see in our mind’s eye is what our subconscious will aim for. Take a few minutes in the morning to see a positive outcome for your day.

6. Inner Monologue

We talk to ourselves constantly. Much of that self-talk is negative. For example, “I can’t do that because I…” or “I was never very good at…” Change that talk to be positive, because we live by what we say to ourselves.

5. Take Notes

Keep a journal of all the positive things that happen to you during the day. On those days when we feel down, a review of all the positive things that have happened is good for a quick attitude boost.

4. Pay It Forward

Nothing feels as good as helping another person. Reach out and help others. Volunteer, call someone you know who needs help, just open the door for someone—any of these will make you feel good about yourself.

3. Eliminate The Negative

People who always talk negatively will soon drag you down. Surround yourself with positive people, the ones who see possibilities, not impossibilities.

2. Be Bold

Have you ever noticed that those who are the boldest usually get more of what they want in life? Sure, you’ll be rejected, but you’ll also up your odds of getting what you want.

1. Positive Thoughts

It is important that you deliberately put positive thoughts into your head. First thing in the morning is best.

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