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May 11, 2009

10 Things I Know About...Getting Organized

PHOTO/COURTESY Judith F. Guertin is an occupational therapist and founder of All Ways Organized in Tyngsboro.

Judith F. Guertin is an occupational therapist and founder of All Ways Organized in Tyngsboro. She can be reached at

10. Evolve
Develop the mindset “I can be organized.” If you think, “I could never be organized”, you are setting yourself up for failure.

9. Write It Down
Keep a detailed, written daily schedule. When you can clearly see if you have time for other commitments, you’ll begin to avoid overextending yourself.

8. Prioritize
Not everything you have on your “to do” list is equally important. Define what is urgent and what is important versus what you would like to do if you have the extra time. And remember to leave time for unforeseen problems or events.

7. Action
Projects cannot be completed all at once. Every project has a series of logical steps that need to be completed in a certain order. Schedule the project one step at a time and put them in your planner with an estimate of the amount of time needed to complete them.

6. Peak Time
Schedule your day to take advantage of your peak performance time. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Intersperse tasks that are sedentary and physical throughout your day.

5. Bring In Resources
Share your system with coworkers and family so they can help you maintain the system. If you are the only one who knows the system, no one will be able to effectively help you.

4. Sort Deliveries
Handle mail daily. Get rid of junk mail and sort the rest of the pile into bills to pay, reading material, and letters or items for someone else. Put the important mail, like the bills, in a consistent spot so you’ll be able to find and manage them regularly.

3. Size Matters
Don’t buy containers until you know what you are storing. Go through the area you are organizing and get rid of the trash, items that belong elsewhere, and the items you no longer need, use or love. Now that you know what you have to store you can buy containers for these items.

2. Measure
Be sure the containers you select fit into the area you plan to use.

1. A Pat On The Back
Plan an activity that you will do to reward yourself for a job well done. Now is the time to do what you told yourself you would do when you finally “got organized”.

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