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August 6, 2012

10 Things I Know About ... Workplace Flexibility

Patrice Grant

10. It's not just a perk.

Workplace flexibility is a proven business strategy that improves business results. Studies show it improves productivity, reduces real estate costs and improves the ability to hire and retain key talent.

9. Men need it too.

According to a Society for Human Resources Management study, 45 percent of men report work-life conflict.

8. It gives people more control.

It's about rethinking how, when and where people do their best work. It's giving people more control over their work time and schedules so they can focus on quality services while managing demands outside the office.

7. It shows you're smart.

Flexible work options are integral to how smart organizations operate.

6. Implement it properly.

Proper implementation is crucial to the success of a flexible workforce. Identify your organization's strategic priorities and launch flex initiatives designed to meet those goals.

5. No work slowdowns.

Employees who can work remotely can continue to work during natural disasters and inclement weather.

4. Technology is a big enabler.

With the use of technology, the ability to "work anytime, anywhere" can continue!

3. It needs guidelines.

Determine ahead of time when, where and how an employee will be available to supervisors, co-workers and clients. Workplace flexibility requires innovation, leadership, accountability for results and an ongoing commitment to cultural change.

2. It comes in different flavors.

It doesn't need to be an "all or nothing" proposition. To help ensure effective adoption, organizations should test and implement programs as they make sense for their particular industry, work structure and company culture.

1. It helps you go green.

Fewer people driving to work reduces emissions and internal energy use.

Patrice Grant owns the Central Massachusetts-area franchise for Mom Corps, a national staffing firm that specializes in flexible workplace solutions. Contact her at

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