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April 12, 2010

10 Things I Know About A Sales Pitch

Rock Griffin is CEO of Skyward Consulting Group in Marlborough and can be reached at

10. Immediate Hook

You have about seven seconds to hook someone and make them want to listen to you. Remember that when you introduce yourself or your solution.

9. Brief

Attention spans are short and getting shorter. Be able to tell your story in as little time as you effectively can, ideally in less than 15 minutes. (That’s five PowerPoint slides max!)

8. Zone Of Discontent

Move them from thinking they don’t need what you have to realizing the benefits of what you have to offer and perceiving the weaknesses of the status quo.

7. Involve The Listeners

Be interactive, ask questions, and get them emotionally involved in defining the problem and how your solution can assist them. Have them articulate their pain and dreams. Focus on understanding their actual needs and wants before you start your pitch.

6. Energy

Stay positive, upbeat, excited by what you have to offer! You are selling the best thing in the world, so make sure your prospects feel that energy coming from you.

5. High ROI

Why should someone purchase from you instead of doing what they do now or going to one of your competitors? The better the reason, the greater the chance for a sale.

4. Low Risk

Buyers don’t like taking risks, with their own money or their company’s — especially in the current market. Can you reduce their risk somehow? Extended warranty? Provide extra training?

3. Sizzle

Few people buy based upon logic and reason. Disagree? Do you actually consider the nutritional content of your fast food? People buy on emotion. So, make sure your pitch reaches their emotions with stories and word pictures that sizzle.

2. References

Talk about past clients you served who they might know or relate to. How did you help them? What was their ROI? Can they be contacted? Case studies are critical, so develop them.

1. Next Steps

What is the call to action? What do you want them to do next? Schedule an appointment? Watch a demo? If you don’t move them to a solid next step, you have missed the sale.

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