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Sponsored by: REENVISION Consulting
March 16, 2023 Business Profiles 2023

REENVISION Consulting: Strategizing to Create Healthy Workspaces

Soudie Tahmassebipour, Esq., Chief Strategist

Many businesses and organizations today prioritize creating equitable workplace climates where people want to work and grow. Creating such space is REENVISION Consulting’s focus. Companies who make a serious commitment to create a diverse workplace where their employees can thrive invite us to ensure that their vision is realized. We evaluate, guide and train on all aspects of an organization’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) needs.

REENVISION has created an approach that allows us to learn about and respond to the particular needs of each organization. DEIB issues are complex and often mishandled initially because those in charge of navigating the issues are not adequately trained at the start. We work with organizations to help them become comfortable engaging around and addressing the issues that arise; this strategy helps to create a healthy workspace. While there is no one size fits all solution, there are ways to gather data and feedback from people within the organization that can help inform and guide leaders as they create a strategic plan to address the equitable needs of their organization. Outside consultants can make a difference in the quality and quantity of information organizational leaders need to develop strategies for next steps.

The success of our work is rooted in our commitment to our community. In addition to our work with for-profit and non-profit organizations, we have presented at community forums and worked with educational institutions on all levels to promote equitable spaces. Last year, REENVISION Consulting was selected to present at the Worcester Chamber of Commerce Women in Leadership Conference and lead a discussion circle on DEI at the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Conference.

Our founder, Soudie Tahmassebipour, strongly believes that personal commitment and involvement in creating more inclusive communities is an integral part of REENVISION’s vision, mission, and values. She is the Executive Director of the Wachusett Area Social Justice Alliance. She serves on numerous boards and committees throughout New England, including the Northeastern University School of Law Alumni Board of Directors, The Nashua River Watershed Association, The Global Citizens Circle, and various other community committees. In addition, she teaches courses on leadership and community organizing in collaboration with other area community organizations.

REENVISION recognizes that most of us spend more time with our colleagues than we do with our families. Stressful workspaces impact every aspect of our lives. The traditional workplace model has not been healthy for most people and Covid really shined a light on the inequities in our collective spaces. We know there are things we need to change and do better. We want to be a catalyst towards that change.

Going forward, REENVISION aims to help eliminate traditionally discriminatory practices that have excluded so many voices in our collective spaces and replacing them with spaces that embrace the strengths of all students and employees. People entering our schools, workplaces, and other public areas should not expect to merely survive, but to thrive. Great minds are being overlooked every day because of these practices. We want to help organizations maximize their potential by maximizing the potential of their staff.